Olympians is a series of semi-abstract female figures in athletic poses inspired by the upcoming 2028 LA Olympic. The sculptures express physical beauty through images of strength, poise, and confidence. In Greek civilization, the athletic body was

Olympians is a series of semi-abstract female figures in athletic poses inspired by the upcoming 2028 LA Olympic. The sculptures express physical beauty through images of strength, poise, and confidence. In Greek civilization, the athletic body was a symbol of superiority and control. These women fought to be champions for their pride and self-worth. Today's image is evolving and expanding in order to incorporate different versions of female power. I want to celebrate women that are strong spiritually and physically.

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Photo Oct 21, 5 03 26 AM.jpg
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Photo Sep 27, 12 58 38 PM.jpg
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 Olympians is a series of semi-abstract female figures in athletic poses inspired by the upcoming 2028 LA Olympic. The sculptures express physical beauty through images of strength, poise, and confidence. In Greek civilization, the athletic body was
Photo Sep 27, 12 42 21 PM.jpg
Photo Oct 21, 5 03 26 AM.jpg
diver ps.jpg
Photo Sep 27, 12 58 38 PM.jpg
Untitled Session7272 (1).jpg
Untitled Session6722 (2).jpg

Olympians is a series of semi-abstract female figures in athletic poses inspired by the upcoming 2028 LA Olympic. The sculptures express physical beauty through images of strength, poise, and confidence. In Greek civilization, the athletic body was a symbol of superiority and control. These women fought to be champions for their pride and self-worth. Today's image is evolving and expanding in order to incorporate different versions of female power. I want to celebrate women that are strong spiritually and physically.

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